quarta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2014

De Volta ao Passado: Que Tal Tomar um Café com Walt E. Disney?

Começamos a série "De Volta ao Passado" com o post mostrando Walt E. Disney na Inauguração da New Orleans Square na Disneyland.

Nesse segundo artigo da série, trago uma foto que foi tirada em 1966, logo depois que a New Orleans Square abriu. Walt posou para esta foto com os Cast Members no Creole Café que depois foi renomeada para Café Orleans. Até hoje, você pode ver a máquina de expresso no mesmo local caso resolva visitar a Disneyland.

De Volta ao Passado: Inauguração da New Orleans Square na Disneyland

Recently I shared a photo of Walt Disney enjoying a cup of coffee at the Plaza Inn, and the reaction to this rare photo was so positive, I thought you might enjoy another “caffeinated photo” featuring Walt.

Shortly after New Orleans Square opened in 1966, Walt posed for this photo with Cast Members at the Creole Café. Later renamed Café Orleans, you can still find delicious desserts, and of course, espresso there.

Walt with Cast Members at the Creole Café

The day I found this photo, I took a walk out to Café Orleans where I was pleased to see the very same espresso machine pictured with Walt still in-residence after all these years.

Espresso Machine

These little connections to Walt Disney are always a special treat to discover at Disneyland park. Do you have a favorite place or item in the parks that especially reminds you of Walt?

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